I have recently started writing the Assistive Technology (AT) column for the Federation's Newsline newsletter. As a parent of a child who uses lots of AT, I have become a defacto parent expert on the subject! Here's a repost from my most recent article on funding AT.
Assistive technology is a broad term that includes a wide range of devices that make it easier for individuals with disabilities to perform certain tasks. Examples include wheelchairs, orthotics, communication devices, computers, software, adapted utensils, dressing aides, large print materials, and even Velcro. In general, AT that is medically necessary is called Durable Medical Equipment (DME). Some AT is very expensive and many families will require financial assistance to purchase it. Here are eight ideas for funding the AT your child needs to succeed in school, community, and family life.
Read the full article online: FCSN's Winter Newsletter.
Hi. A thorough resource guide for funding AT in Massachusetts is http://www.massmatch.org/fund_at/